🏡 New(s)
Future present(s)
March 2022
Presenting a paper, ‘Mythopoesis, speculation, divination, vibration: artistic methods for human-
spider communication‘ at the conference, Humans and Insects in Multispecies Networks, University of Turku, Finland.
November 2021
A reading from my book Marble (2017) at Zabriskie Buchladen für Kultur und Natur, in conversation with Kate Donovan and Catherine Evans on Tuesday 30 November for RADIO OTHERWISE.
October 2021
On Saturday 09 October I will lead a walking spider tour with entomologist Dr Roland Mühlethaler for Tomás Saraceno’s Arachnophilia, for the Berliner Festspiele event, The Sun Machine is Coming Down at the ICC Berlin.
September 2021
A German translation of my essay, Spider phenomenology: a speculative foray through the world of Pholcus gropiusbau, published in the Berliner Festspiele publication, Down to Earth, arising from the festival of the same name held at Martin Gropuis Bau, Berlin in 2020.
July 2021
I am the resident artist at the art-science residency at ÖRES on the island of Örö, Finland, for the month of July.
June 2021
I am an invited panellist for the panel, ‘More-than-human sensing’, as part of the conference Other (ing) sensing. Practices, Politics and Ethics of Sensitive Media at the University of Potsdam, Germant, 16 - 18 June.
June 2021
My field recording from the Howard Springs Quarantine Facility in Darwin, Northern Territory Australia to be included in the new NTS Radio Field Recordings channel/mixtape, premiering Thursday 3 June at 12 pm CET.
March 2021
Presented a sonic essay/artistic intervention on duration during the Tenporal Belongings conference, The Material Life of Time, convened by conference organisers Thom van Dooren, Michelle Bastian, Hugo Reinert, Helge Jordheim and Lisa Baraitser.
December 2020
An essay written on the occasion of Tomás Saraceno’s NYE concert for Festa di Roma, titled: Haptic astronomy; or, how else to read the cosmos? About the cosmos, perception, vibrational ontology and spiders.
October 2020
A new speculative essay, ‘Symbiotic skins, metabolic schema ~’ in dialogue with Tomás Saraceno was published as part of The Skin of Things project by philosopher Michael Marder and artist Anais Tonder.
A short lyric essay, An ache, a knot, a thread, on the myth of Arachne as a contribution to Bernd Herzogenrath’s (C)OVID’s Metamorphoses exquisite corpse project.
On October 30, 6 pm primetime, Cashmere Radio 88.4 Berlin and 90.7 Potsdam: "Nachtgartenkosmos" : a cut-up of Datscha Radio's 2017-2020 transmission events, including parts of my contribution in August 2020.
September 2020
Public talk and discussion about speculative spider phenomenology with Tomás Saraceno at Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin, for the exhibition, Down to Earth initiated by Thomas Oberender.
August 2020
Reading from my book, Possible vehicles for time travel at the Datscha Radio festival, Berlin.
June 2020
Paper delivered at the European Society for Arts, Literature and the Sciences (SLSAeu) 2020 conference, Anthropocene(s) at Museum Śląskie, Poland. Paper title: ‘Queering the wound: zoetic figurations of nonhuman life as tools for rethinking death’.